Call for Interest – Regional Director Western Region

We are currently looking for someone to fill the role of Regional Director Western Region on the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador Executive Board.  This region includes the following districts.  You must be a member of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador and reside in one of the districts below to apply for the Western Regional Director position:

  • Burgeo- La Poile
  • Corner Brook
  • Humber-Bay of Islands
  • Humber- Gros Morne
  • St. Barbe- L’Anse aux Meadows
  • St. George’s- Humber
  • Stephenville- Port au Port

The  responsibilities of the Regional  Director include:

  • Attend  the  meetings  of  each  Provincial  Liberal  District  Association contained  within the  boundaries of  the  region  for  which the  Regional Director  has  been  elected
  • Liaise  between  the  District  Associations  in  his/her  Region and  the Executive  Board of the  Party
  • Assist  District  Associations as necessary  with  their  organization  and governance
  • Encourage  and  support  District  Associations  with  their  fundraising efforts
  • Report  to the  Executive  Board  of  the  Party  no  less  than  quarterly  on  the status of District Associations  within  the  Region
  • To  carry  out  such  other  duties  as  may  be  assigned  from  time  to  time  by the President  of  the Party  or  the  Executive  Board. 

Interested members of the Party should submit, in writing, their name, contact information,
and a brief CV to [email protected]
Deadline for submissions is March 4, 2022

Last Updated
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