Compassionate Leadership Dominates Debate



The Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador Election 2021 Campaign Co-Chairs would like to congratulate Party Leader and Premier, Dr. Andrew Furey, on his excellent performance in tonight’s televised Leaders’ Debate. 

“This election is about leadership. Voters are choosing who they want to lead us through a pandemic and a global economic crisis to economic recovery,” said Judy Morrow.

“People in this province are hopeful about our future, and want a brighter Newfoundland and Labrador for their children – and they know that Premier Andrew Furey is the one to take us there, as demonstrated tonight,” she continued. 

Campaign Co-Chairs would also like to thank NTV, CBC, Rogers, , moderator Mike Connors, journalists Jane Adey, Peter Cowan, and Kelly-Anne Roberts, and the entire team of people involved in hosting the Leaders’ Debate tonight – including the other political parties involved. 

“It takes a lot of careful planning and consideration to present an event that provides political leaders the opportunity to discuss important issues to all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians,”  John Samms said. 

Over the course of the hour-long debate, Premier Andrew Furey demonstrated his depth of knowledge and steady handle of matters on the minds of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians during this pivotal time in the province’s history. 

“Mr. Crosbie is campaigning to be the last Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador – bankrupting our province, suing our federal partners, and jeopardizing the health and well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians by removing the Chief Medical Officer of Health from pandemic decision-making,” said Samms. 

“Hard-working Newfoundlanders and Labradorians want a leader who will not give up on this province – and that leader is Premier Andrew Furey,” added Morrow.  

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