Furey Government: Leading the Way in Long Term Care


The percentage of older people in Newfoundland and Labrador is growing faster than in any other jurisdiction in the country, and the province has the oldest population in Canada.

“One in every five Newfoundlanders and Labradorians is over the age of 65, and they are the people who have worked hard their whole lives to provide for and take care of us – their families,” Premier Andrew Furey said Monday.

“We have an opportunity to provide for them, and lead the way nationally in caring for seniors and those in long term care,” the Premier said in Corner Brook, where the Liberal government opened a new state-of-the-art long term care earlier this year.

A government led by Premier Furey will work with the federal government, tapping into a recent $1 billion funding announcement for provincial long term care improvements, to create a set of best practices to develop the standard for long term care in Canada in the 21st century.

“Seniors deserve our utmost respect and attention. Our government will explore innovative approaches to long term care, such as public long term care insurance, to make sure all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have the necessary support – no matter what,” said Furey.

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